Registration is now open! Please find registration information at the bottom of this page, following program details and information regarding our sponsors and organizers.
McGuireWoods LLP, 1075 Peachtree St NE, 35th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30309
Shelby Guilbert (McGuireWoods LLP – Atlanta; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)Christopher Smith (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP – Atlanta; Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Committee; AtlAS Secretary; ICC YAAF Alum)
This panel will provide practical instruction on effective written advocacy in international arbitration proceedings. The topics to be covered include the nuts-and-bolts of legal writing, the different submission types in arbitration proceedings, writing for a multicultural audience, and the differences between writing for a court and writing for an arbitral tribunal.Moderator: Wheaton Webb (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP – Atlanta; Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Committee)Speakers: Abbey Hawthorne (ICC – New York)Carson Bennett (King & Spalding LLP – Atlanta)Tom Villalón (Three Crowns LLP – Washington, D.C.)Angélica María Perdomo Luna (Zulegal – Bogota)
This panel will explore effective cross-examination techniques and strategies for international arbitration proceedings. Topics of discussion will include developing a cross-examination strategy for a particular audience, preparing for a cross-examination, and practical guidance for what makes a cross-examination effective.Moderator: Thomas Grantham (Alston & Bird LLP – Atlanta)Speakers: Erin Collins (DLA Piper (US) LLP – New York)James Coleman (Goldman Ismail Tomaselli Brennan & Baum LLP – Chicago)Dmitry Epstein (Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP – Atlanta)
Shelby Grubbs (JAMS – Atlanta; Member of the Conference Planning Committee; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)
During this tertulia session, participants will discuss the early stages of an arbitration proceeding, from initiation of the arbitration to the preliminary conference. Topics addressed will include, for example, arbitrator selection and disclosures, the agenda for the preliminary conference, and negotiations between counsel on various issues to be addressed at the conference, the seat of arbitration, and drafting the arbitration agreement.Facilitators: Rikki Stern (International Arbitration Practitioner – Atlanta) (Session Chair)Kristen Bromberek (Alston & Bird LLP – Atlanta; AtlAS Treasurer)Sebastian Feiler (BODENHEIMER – Cologne)Natasha Richardson (CPR Dispute Resolution – Atlanta; Member of the Conference Advisory Committee)
Participants in this tertulia session will discuss the main evidentiary hearing in an arbitration. Topics addressed will include, for example, the final status conference prior to the hearing, presentation of witnesses and exhibits at the hearing, and best practices in oral advocacy in responding to arbitrator questions, making opening and closing submissions, and examining witnesses.Facilitators: Laughlin Allen (McGuireWoods LLP – Atlanta; Member of the Conference Advisory Committee) (Session Chair)Christof Siefarth (BODENHEIMER – Cologne; AtlAS President; Member of the Conference Planning Committee)Henry Chalmers (Arnall Golden Gregory LLP – Atlanta)
During this tertulia session, participants will discuss the arbitral process from the preliminary hearing up to the main evidentiary hearing. Topics addressed will include, for example, preparation of the case schedule, document production and information exchange procedures, motion practice, and obtaining testimony from non-party witnesses.Facilitators: Christopher Smith (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP – Atlanta; Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Committee; AtlAS Secretary; ICC YAAF Alum) (Session Chair)Jennifer Grippa (Miles Mediation & Arbitration – Jacksonville)Brent Clinkscale (Clinkscale Global – Greenville; Member of the Conference Advisory Committee; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)
Participants in this tertulia session will discuss the arbitral award and post-award issues. Topics addressed will include, for example, whether an arbitrator should ever do independent research when preparing an award, awarding attorney’s fees and other costs, and issues related to enforcement and vacatur of arbitral awards.Facilitators: Victoria Alvarez (Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP – Charlotte) (Session Chair)Henry Parr (Wyche, P.A. – Greenville)Ben Herzberg (BODENHEIMER – Berlin)Tom Childs (King & Spalding LLP – New York)
The Peachtree Club, 999 Peachtree Street NE, Atlanta, Georgia(Speakers, Moderators, and Conference Organizers Only)
Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP, 600 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 3000, Atlanta, GA 30308
Victoria Alvarez (Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP – Charlotte)Usher Winslett (ADR Office of Usher Winslett – New York, Charleston; Winslett Studnicky McCormick & Bomser LLP – New York; Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Committee)
Building on the success of last year’s “Top Ten Developments” panel, this year’s panel will highlight ten developments that impact international arbitration practice, including recent court decisions, legislative activity, emerging issues like climate change, updates from UNCITRAL Working Group III, and new technologies.Moderator: Richard Deutsch (Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP – Houston)Speakers: Glenn Hendrix (Arnall Golden Gregory LLP – Atlanta; Member of the Conference Planning Committee; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)Alan Anderson (Anderson Law Firm LLC – Minneapolis)Mark Kantor (Independent Arbitrator – Washington, D.C.)
Anna Parks Muecke (Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP – Atlanta)
Siegfried Elsing (Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP – Dusseldorf)
This panel will explore industry-specific arbitral institutions and procedural rules including those related to intellectual property, insurance, and sports. The discussion will educate attendees on the risks and benefits of industry-specific arbitration, emerging industries that may require their own specialized forms of arbitration, and the challenges of balancing expertise with impartiality.Moderator: Flip Petillion (PETILLION – Brussels)Speakers: Justine Ferland (WIPO - Geneva)Rouven Bodenheimer (BODENHEIMER – Cologne)Shelby Guilbert (McGuireWoods – Atlanta; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)Thomas Ventrone (AAA-ICDR – New York)
Christof Siefarth (BODENHEIMER – Cologne; AtlAS President; Member of the Conference Planning Committee)
Speaker: Peter “Bo” Rutledge (Dean of the University of Georgia School of Law – Athens; Morris, Manning & Martin LLP – Atlanta; Member of the AtlAS Board of Directors)Facilitator: Christof Siefarth (BODENHEIMER – Cologne; AtlAS President; Member of the Conference Planning Committee)
This panel will discuss the International Bar Association’s recent revisions to the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration. The panel also will address issues related to arbitrator disclosures, and comment on ethical guidelines from other organizations, including the American Arbitration Association’s Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes and the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution’s newly released Guidelines for Arbitrator Disclosure.Moderator: Kathleen Paisley (AMBOS NBGO – Brussels)Speakers: Isabel Fernandez de la Cuesta (Independent Arbitrator – New York)Danielle Morris (WilmerHale – Washington, D.C.)Ryan Reetz (Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP – Miami)Shelby Grubbs (JAMS – Atlanta; Member of the Conference Planning Committee; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)
This panel will discuss recent trends in awarding costs in arbitration proceedings. Particular attention will be given to the New York City Bar Association’s recent publication, Awards of Costs in International Arbitration in New York: Current Approaches and Best Practices. In light of New York’s status as an international arbitration hub, this report is likely to prove influential, with significant implications for arbitrators and practitioners. The panel also will consider other issues related to the costs of arbitration, including controlling fees and expenses and relevant decisions concerning arbitral costs.Moderator: Usher Winslett (ADR Office of Usher Winslett – New York, Charleston; Winslett Studnicky McCormick & Bomser LLP – New York; Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Committee)Speakers: Joseph Neuhaus (Sullivan & Cromwell – New York)Mark Morril (MorrilADR – New York)Katie Gonzalez (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP – New York)Lawrence Schaner (Schaner Dispute Resolution LLC – Chicago)
Usher Winslett (ADR Office of Usher Winslett – New York, Charleston; Winslett Studnicky McCormick & Bomser LLP – New York; Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Committee)
Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP, 1331 Spring St. NW, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30309
Michael Sullivan (Womble Bond Dickenson (US) LLP – Atlanta; AtlAS Vice President)Wheaton Webb (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP – Atlanta; Co-Chair of the Conference Planning Committee)
This panel will explore the development of the force majeure defense and its implications for the construction industry as well as other sectors. The topics to be covered include the origin of the force majeure defense, drafting effective force majeure clauses, and examples of force majeure events. The panel also will discuss treatment of force majeure issues in jurisdictions outside the United States.Moderator: Tamika Newson (Energizer Holdings – Atlanta; Miles Mediation & Arbitration; Member of the Conference Advisory Committee)Speakers: Rebecca Velez (HKA – Washington, D.C.)James Derrick (Womble Bond Dickenson (US) LLP – Charlotte)Jessica Sabbath (McDermott Will & Emery LLP – Atlanta)Peter J. Pettibone (Pettibone International ADR – New York)
This panel will discuss issues that arise when regulatory changes adversely affect a project mid-stream, and strategies for businesses to respond to such changes. Topics to be covered include the types of legal changes that may arise during a project, potential implications for dispute resolution, availability of remedies, and relevant distinctions between civil law and common law systems when addressing these issues. The panel also will discuss the impact of recent developments, such as the emergence of ESG considerations and lessons learned from COVID-19.Moderator: David Gallo (Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs LLP – Atlanta; Member of the Conference Advisory Committee; AtlAS Vice President and Content Coordinator)Speakers: Scott Cahalan (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP – Atlanta)Florian Mohs (Pestalozzi – Zurich)Lance Lee (Arnall Golden Gregory LLP – Atlanta)James Boykin (Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP – Washington, D.C.)
Conference Chairs
Usher Winslett (ADR Office of Usher Winslett – New York, Charleston; Winslett Studnicky McCormick & Bomser LLP – New York)
Christopher Smith (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP – Atlanta; AtlAS Secretary; ICC YAAF Alum)
Wheaton Webb (Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP – Atlanta)
Conference Planning Committee
Christof Siefarth (BODENHEIMER – Cologne; AtlAS President)
Chris Campbell (Baker Hughes – Florence; AtlAS President-Elect)
Glenn Hendrix (Arnall Golden Gregory LLP – Atlanta; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)
Shelby Grubbs (JAMS – Atlanta; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)
Conference Advisory Committee
Tamika Newson (Energizer Holdings – Atlanta; Miles Mediation & Arbitration)
Rikki Stern (International Arbitration Practitioner – Atlanta)
Laughlin Allen (McGuireWoods LLP – Atlanta)
Natasha Richardson (CPR Dispute Resolution – Atlanta)
Luis Martinez (International Centre for Dispute Resolution – New York)
Brent Clinkscale (Clinkscale Global – Greenville; Ex Officio Member of the AtlAS Executive Committee)
David Gallo (Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs – Atlanta; AtlAS Vice President and Content Coordinator)
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